S Blends Volume Two set contains 140 images, which includes 70 color, 70 b/w images in transparent 300dpi png.
This set is part of a larger
The words included are:
- SC: (10) scarecrow, scarf, scoop, scare(d), score, scan, scalp, scale, school, scar
- SK- (10) ski, skate, skillet, skateboard, skirt, sketch, skull, skyscraper, skewer, sky
- SM: (10) smart, smoothie, smash, smirk, smock, smell, smile,smoke, smear, smog
- SN: (10) sneakers, snag, snore, snack, snake, snap, snorkel, sneeze, snail, snug
- SP: (10) spaghetti, spider, speak, spatula, sparkle, spice, sponge, spill, spin, spiral
- ST: (10) stapler, stem, stamp, stage, stable, steps, stocking, stick, study, stake
- SW: (10) swing, switch, swim, sweater, swat, swimsuit, sweets, swamp, swept/sweep, swipe